the best of Basho

Eaten alive by
lice and fleas - now the horse
beside my pillow pees

Like the buck's antlers,
we point in slightly different
directions, my friend

I still want to see
in blossoms at dawn the face
of the mountain god

Hearing they eat snakes,
it's unnerving to listen
to the pheasant's cry

Buried under moss
and ivy leaves, but from within
the tomb, a faint prayer

Nothing in the cry
of cicadas suggests they
are about to die

The morning glories
ignore our drinking party
and burst into bloom

In the fish market,
from among the little shrimps,
a cricket sings

A rolling cloud - like
a dog pissing on the run -
dense winter showers

Every New Year Day -
again the monkey wears
a monkey mask